Yes, there’s a day for everything. Thank goodness, ’cause it gives my fellow Bento Bloggers and Friends more reasons to do blog hops! Welcome to my International Fake Mustache Day Lunch!
I didn’t have any idea of what kind of mustache lunch I was going to make for the blog hop. Honestly, I was just envisioning a regular lunch with a bunch of homemade mustache toothpicks sticking out of stuff, but as I started to make the lunches for the blog hop, this just came to me. The funny thing was each time I even thought about mustaches, these guys were the first two things that would always pop in my head, but it never occurred to me to actually incorporate them into my lunch until just then!

In this lunch:
- The Lorax: Nature’s Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread with Applegate Turkey & American Cheese Mustache Sandwiches (see Rice Krispy Treat Mustache on a Stick post link below to see how I cut these) with spinach and mayo (on one) resting on a Applegate Cheddar Cheese slice head & eyelids, Applegate American Cheese eyeballs and Applegate Pepperoni pupils along with a Papa Spuds Carrot Nose.
- Truffula Trees: Trader Joe’s Organic Lollipops
- More Truffula Trees: Papa Spuds’ Organic Carrots on toothpicks
- Pringles Man: Pringles (aka “Man Chips as Little Sis always calls them”) Sour Cream Chips decorated with Applegate Pepperoni bow tie, bread crust ‘stache & hair and Nori Eyes
- GoGO Squeez AppleApple and AppleCinnamon Squeezable Applesauce
The girls were actually home when I made these so here they are, served up at the table. And I had completely forgotten that I had made Rice Krispy Treat Mustaches on a Stick (without using an actual mustache cookie cutter!) so I did a quick swicheroo and swapped out the Truffula Tree Lollipops out for them and threw in some cantaloupe for Little Sis.
Little Sis’ Lunch: She likes her Mustache on a Stick without frosting.

Big Sis’ Lunch – she likes frosting but not cantaloupe.

Big Sis is gettin’ wise to my blogging ways. When she saw the book laying out on the island (had to use to remember what exactly the Lorax looked like), she brought it over, placed it next to her lunch and said, “Mommy, you should take a picture of it WITH the book!” tee hee hee. So here it is:
Big Sis was pretty eager to put a chomp in that Mustache on a Stick!

And lastly, here’s a picture of my sweeties and THEIR sweeties all sporting my homemade mustachios!

Thanks so much for stopping by! Feel free to make my day by leaving me a comment, following my blog via email, Facebook or Instagram. The more the merrier, of course!
Christine, aka happyvballgirl : )
To check out items used in my posts or some of my favorites, simply click here: “Products I Love“. Purchases made using these links earns me a little extra cash to support my bento habit, which Hubby certainly appreciates! So, THANK YOU, should you choose to purchase any of ’em!
Disclosure: This blog contains affiliate links. ; )
Looooove it!
Very clever. Love the picture of the kiddos too!
So cute, love ur Lorax n Pringles man. 🙂
Adorable! Pringles man and Lorax are too cool! Your girls and their stache babies are awesome.
Nice job! I knew in 2 seconds it was the Lorax! Your girls and their girls are adorable!
Love the Lorax! Great idea 🙂
Love your Lorax. Now I am hungry for a rice crispy treat mustache!
Adorable! So many great ideas. I love the girls with their dolls!
Lorax is cute… and OMG…your girls and the dolls are soo adorable.
"Man Chips"! That made me chuckle. Love the lunches, and the Truffula Trees are just brilliant.
Love your Lorax and Pringles Men!
Love it!! :{D clever to do the Lorax
So creative, I love your Pringles Men and your family is adorable!
I always love your posts and this is awesome! :<)
Awwww, thanks Laura, for always being so sweet. I had fun w/ this one! 🙂
Your girls are so sweet!