The girls just got back last night from a week-long trip to Michigan with their Nana and Papa where there was at least a couple feet of snow on the ground and temps as low as -4 degrees (not including windchill!). They played outside in the snow just about every day and had fashion shows, played lots of Monopoly and did a puzzle when they stayed inside. Outside, they made a big snow man, went sledding down Nana and Papa’s awesome driveway for hours on end and even went skiing!
To welcome my darlings back, I was excited to put one of my new purchases from our last-hurrah trip to NYC to use. I knew the girls would love it as well. I know it’s kinda silly, but I’ve been soooooooooo wanting one of these and literally gasped when I saw it. Thus, it had to be mine. 🙂
The girls were pretty excited about it and some little boxes they spied right next to it, also acquired on the same trip.Oh the Places You’ll Go #3: NYC – The Last Hurrah
Got them these to commemorate Little Sis’ first time skiing and Big Sis’ second. Nana reported that it was a success! Whew…. 🙂
The table was set with some JoJo’s Circus napkins I happened across during my bonus room closet clean up. Reminds me of when Big Sis just a little ol’ three completely obsessed over JoJo. I miss those days. Now that JoJo’s Circus is back on Disney Jr (yay!) Little Sis is completely absorbed by them at the ripe old age of 7. I just love that. And shhhh! but, I’ve even found that Big Sis still gets drawn into it on occasion. 😉
Here’s what was for dinner: Spinach Lasagna, made a couple months ago and taken out from the freezer, which made for a super easy meal.
Anyway, with all that hardcore winter fun in Michigan, I wasn’t so sure if they’d be up for going out to play today in sunny NC where it was a balmy high 30’s with barely 2 inches of snow in grass (and zero on the sidewalks and streets). But kids will be kids, especially with snow in their own neck of the woods, so out they went and enjoyed it just the same. I’m sure it was enjoyable of a different sort w/ the temps being so much warmer.
Plus, their American Girls just HAD to try out their new skis! 🙂
And a quick video of the little slope we found at the end of our driveway. Not big enough for big kid sledding, but perfect for American Girl skiing. 🙂
Ouch! Can you say face plant? Ok, I need to figure out how to actually add the whole video because you can’t see the face plants! oh well.
These snowmen were just a leeeetle bit smaller than the one in MI, but the got to make a bunch of them, PLUS, we got to use our handy dandy bento picks from Allthingsforsale. Sweet! The perfect size!
This of course, inspired me for tonight’s dinner, which was accompanied by some good ol’ fashioned alphabet chicken soup (not pictured)!
In this dinner:
- Grilled Applegate ham and Applegate American cheese on Nature’s Own 100% Whole Wheat bread.
- Steamed organic broccoli from Trader Joe’s
- Organic baby cut carrots from Trader Joe’s
- Homemade chocolate chip cookie from last’s night’s dinner using Ghiradelli’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
Last but not least, I just have to say thank you so much to Nana, a beautiful, incredible, tireless wonder who puts the Energizer Bunny to shame. Her endless giving always leaves us in awe and makes us feel like the luckiest people on earth. Thank you to Papa, who is equally giving of his time and energy but is a little more apt to be found occasionally dozing off on his favorite chair. haha! We love you guys so much!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Feel free to make my day by leaving me a comment, following my blog via email, on Facebook or on Instagram. The more the merrier!
Christine, aka happyvballgirl 🙂
To check out items used in this post or some of my favorites, simply click here: “Products I Love“. Purchases made using these links earns me a little extra cash to support my bento habit, which Hubby really appreciates. Haha! So, THANK YOU, should you choose to purchase any of ’em!
My favorite Bento supplier @ BentoUSA.
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A healthy and fun dinner. I love this fun post!
Looks like they had fun at Nana's house. I love the ski outfits on the dolls!