OMG, a smoothie that my girls actually kind of like AND drink a bit of? Yes, it sounds too good to be true, people, but I’ve finally made one they tolerate – this orange banana smoothie. I’ve been trying over the past couple years to find a good smoothie recipe that the girls like, but haven’t been successful until now. I think my approach was just too overzealous and tried to pack too much goodness into one cup. I sacrificed color and flavor because, yes, these two are of paramount importance to kids!

This time, I took baby steps and started with something my girls love, especially Big Sis. She just loves coconut and orange cream flavors so I decided to make her just that: orange cream with a splash of coconut. Getting her to each fresh fruit is like getting a cat to take a bath (so I’ve heard!) so I just love that she’s getting just that in liquid form. It’s a win-win! And even though she’s not getting a full serving of spinach, it’s SOMETHING, right? And the perfect pre-soccer snack.

Orange Banana Smoothie
- 1/2 orange peeled
- 1/2 frozen banana
- 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt or 1/4 c plain, 1/4 c vanilla as my girls prefer it
- 1/4 coconut water coconut milk or coconut “beverage” *
- 4 baby carrots
- 1 handful spinach optional
- 2 frozen strawberries optional
Place all ingredients in blender and mix until smooth.
Makes about 2 8oz servings.
Recipe Notes
* Use coconut water and vanilla yogurt for a sweeter smoothie.
** Use coconut milk or “beverage” with plain yogurt for a less sweet smoothie. I definitely prefer mine this way.
To me, this smoothie is just heavenly with all the options included. It’s the most beautiful shade of pale green, but guess which ones my girls prefer? Yup, no options. Neither of them liked the green color and Little Sis is just dandy with the strawberries but Big Sis HATES them, though I doubt that she can even taste ’em, but how can I lie to her face when she asks me if I put strawberries in it? Whatever! I’ll take what I can get! But I’m still gonna work my way to adding that spinach back in, leaf by leaf. lol!

Stick the finished product in some YummiPouches for great smoothies on the go. I swear they drink more this way because it’s just fun to suck on. lol.
Here are today’s car snacks for right after school and just before piano lessons and then soccer practice for both girls with pretzel crisps, hummus and the orange banana smoothies. Yes, Tuesdays are crazy busy around here!

Lastly, stick them in cups and then in EasyLunchboxes for the perfect quick lunch for when they’re too busy “selling” stuff. The girls wanted to set up a stand to sell some stuff they’ve made one Saturday afternoon… right around lunch time of course. And, why not? After a late breakfast and a pending soccer game, I just threw together a quick lunchables for them along with some carrots and the leftover and the orange banana smoothie left over from that morning.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Feel free to make my day by leaving me a comment, following my blog via email, Facebook or Instagram. The more the merrier, of course!
Christine, aka happyvballgirl : )
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looks like a perfect smoothie. What great snacks! my son loves cheese and crackers and hummus and carrots! #TuesdaysTable
Pineapple Mango smoothies sound heavenly! Maybe that'll be my next one! Thanks so much for stopping by, Laina!!
If the green colour is a problem, you could try some cooked squash or carrot puree instead of the spinach. I personally adore pineapple and mango smoothies!