May the 4th be with you this year of Star Wars Awakening! This Star Wars day is extra special because we have a new Star Wars fan in our midst – Little Sis. Big Sis could take it or leave it, so this post is dedicated to Little Sis and her newest obsession. Up until last December, she didn’t know what the big deal was about Star Wars.
It all started back around Christmas 2014 when the hubby finally gave up on his once revolutionary laser disc technology. He finally decided to remove it from the sound system (a moment of silence please ) and tested out his Star Wars Trilogy discs one last time, only to be bombarded with questions:
Big Sis: What is that, a giant CD?
Little Sis: Can I hold it?
Later, while watching a short clip from Episode 4…
Little Sis: Daddy, are the gold guy and that trash can good? (referring to C3PO and R2D2)
*face palm*
We borrowed the DVD set from Uncle Jason instead and off we went. Here’s the girls’ reaction to Episode 4’s Creature Cantina. Little Sis was horrified but already hooked! lol! FYI: I insisted they start in the order that we watched them as kids. Plus, I just thought it was wiser to start with worse special effects to better. ; )
Here’s Little Sis riveted by Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back. Her eyes were this big or bigger through pretty much the whole thing.
Here are some quotes throughout the movies that cracked me and the hubby up:
Big Sis: Wait, does this movie have any kids in it? No? This is going to be so boring.
Little Sis: (Ep 4: during the part where Luke is watching Princess Leia’s full message to Obi Wan Kenobi): Wait, do they have the same father? If so, that would be rreeeaaaally creeepy! Little Sis: (Ep 4: when Luke was telling the droids to hurry up during a shoot out scene): How could they hurry up when they’re like the slowest things on earth?!?! Big Sis: (Ep 4): What’s that big hairy guy’s name again?
Little Sis: (Ep 4: Right after the trash compactor scene where Luke gets drenched in the water):
Hey, how did Luke’s hair get all dry already? They always do that in movies. Like in Spongebob when Plankton got a hole in his head, 2 seconds later it’s gone.
After starting Ep 5: Empire Strikes back and saw Obi Wan for the first time:
Little Sis: Hey, Obi Wan looks different!
Big Sis: Yeah, he got a haircut!
Little Sis: How can you get a haircut when you’re dead? That’s just wrong.
Little Sis: (Ep 5: Freezing Han Solo part, all scrunched up next to me because she can’t take it): Is he dead? I know he’s not dead because his picture is on the cover of the episode 6 DVD. It just gives it all away. That stinks!
Ep 5: Fight between Darth and Skywalker
Little Sis: These fights are so lame!!
Ep 5: When they’re running to save carbonited Han on the deck
Little Sis: R2 is really good at dodging lasers even though he’s so slow and the storm troopers are bad aimers because R2 is really slow. They should get new storm troopers that have better aim.
Little Sis: All Darth cares about is himself and his evilness. He doesn’t care anything about his storm troopers. And if anyone makes a single mistake he chokes them to death. Because he’s evil and weird.
So when we made made Star Wars cookies using the cutters (once again borrowed from Aunt Lisa – thank you Aunt Lisa!!) back in February during our epic string of 8.5 snow days in 2015, it was all the more special! We ate a bunch and froze a bunch for later!

Most of her subsequent purchases of toys have been… yup, Star Wars stuff. Here, the special Y-Guides daddy-daughter project she chose was to put together a Lego Snow Speeder.
Then she used her own money to buy the LEGO Star Wars 75052: Mos Eisley Cantina Set which didn’t take very long at all to put together on her own.
And, one day, as a special reward for being reaaaallly good for something I can’t quite remember – oh yeah, while I spent a couple days painting our guest room and caulking our bathroom during aforementioned epic snow days, the girls got a trip to Learning Express to pick out a toy. This is what Little Sis chose: A Jedi Academy Graphic novel and The Star Wars Character Encyclopedia. lol.
Ok, finally to a very special lunch for Little Sis. I surprised her with it a couple months ago and saved it for this very occasion. : ) Got to use the awesome new Urban colored lids from Easylunchboxes, too! May the 4th Be With You with this A Star Wars Awakening lunch!
In this lunch:
- Ham, Salami and Muenster Cheese sandwich on Nature’s Own 100% Whole wheat bread
- Light Saber Grapes
- Cheese stick
- Trader Joe’s 12 grain mini crackers
- Smart Food White Cheddar Popcorn
- Cascadian Farm Vanilla Chip Granola Bar
Be sure to check out my Star Wars Day lunch from 2013, back when Little Sis had no clue about the awesomeness of Star Wars and called Yoda Yomi.
She’s getting ready to start Star Wars Episode 3 now and just cannot wait for Christmas. Yes, for the fun of Christmastime itself, but right now, mostly because that’s when the new Star Wars movie comes out. lol! And she’s decided that she’s DEFINITELY going to be a Jedi for Halloween and already got her light saber yesterday. : )

May the 4th be with you!!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Feel free to make my day by leaving me a comment, following my blog via email, on Facebook or on Instagram. The more the merrier!
Christine, aka happyvballgirl : )
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I'm sure there's no doubt in that happening! Little Sis thinks your little guy is very lucky. lol! And the cookies are pretty fun to make and it doesn't take much to make them look impressive, so I highly recommend it! 🙂 Have a great day and thanks so much for stopping by w/ your sweet comments!
The quotes are so funny! Very observant girls, haha. The cookies are so awesome. May have to pick up a set of the cutters for my oldest who is sure to pass along his love of Star Wars (and his Lego sets) to my little guy.