As you can see, Big Sis likes taking pictures of her food, just like her mama, but she has very little desire to actually make it herself. That’s where Little Sis steps in. She loves to help cook. Together they make a perfect me.
3. Bear Pizzas: The next day, I couldn’t wait to make these cuties for my cuties. Once again, no small circle cutter! That’s where my scalloped biscuit cutter came in handy. And I was happy to see that pepperoni make cute and yummy eyes and noses, too!
4. Animal Tortilla Chips: Little Sis has been on a serious koala-loving kick and when she saw these she just HAD TO HAVE THEM.
5. Pesto Pasta Frog. I was psychic when I made this. Little Sis came home from school and said she was really in the mood for pesto pasta, so I lead her to the kitchen table where this was already made and waiting for her. Sadly, the frog didn’t last 5 mins. lol.
6. Ice Cream Buddies. This here is an adult favorite and I made this lunch for myself! lol. The cone is made out of pork patties, a delicious, DEELicious, DEEELICIOUS recipe from the book. I can’t stand how good these were and my hubby certainly agreed. SO simple and easy to make, too. My ice cream buddy may not be as fancy as Li Ming’s but she sure was DELICIOUS!!
So whaddya think of my Yummy Kawaii Bento Cookbook Review? Does it look like I had some fun with these? Surprisingly enough, each lunch didn’t require a huge amount of time or effort, especially if you don’t try to make more than one at a time (lol) and do a little planning ahead. I enjoyed making these fun, cute lunches vs. the simple lunches I’ve been making and I definitely foresee myself making more for my girls. It’s a great book and I highly recommend it!
Get one for yourself by clicking on this amazon link: Yummy Kawaii Bento: Preparing Adorable Meals for Adorable Kids and make lunches more fun, too!!
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Christine, aka happyvballgirl : )
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My pleasure Ming!! and my honor! Thanks for asking me to review your wonderful book! Hope you sell out of em!! 🙂
Thank you so much for the review!! I love all you have made. 🙂